So from my pervious post on my update about how I was stressing out and wanted to change
my degree and so on. Turns out the Career Counselor was no help at all, basically
expressing the vibe to be that I must be very stubborn? Well, I had a sarcasm moment
to my self-saying “That was helpful.” She was trying to grasp of what I’m into
but I have way to much experience as well as what seemed to be interesting that
I could do. Overall, the result was change your mange that could cause myself to
stay in college longer or find a job before I could finish my degree and that
might help me. With
my disorder/disability makes it harder because I don’t if I can do it, that’s part
of my stubbornness. After all the stressing, I still had no idea what to do. I told
my mom all about it, she agrees that I’m way to stubborn and proud that I’m way
to experience, but she believes that I could finish my degree with I high
hopes. Well at this point no matter how much no one understands, I’m failing
this one class I need to pass to move on in the degree program (sociology), I
asked my advisor and he said I could still graduate in Fall 2015. So I
explained that I might have to retake this class but I would have only two more
classes and two more for the elective also one more for my minor. That brought
my hopes up to know I almost done, however, I still need: internships and a job that I
could be happy about to work for right after I graduate even if involves moving.
That is another problem I am worried about, moving away for work and not know if
I would still have friends and/or if they would support me on the move and
still stay contact possible visit each other.
All I know is I really going to try even harder to make sure my degree comes
before everything, and time management like I use to. I stopped because I wasn’t
sure where and what to do with it in my room at home compare how I had it in
the dorm at my freshmen pervious university.
Tonight (11/29), I just emailed my professor on the a paper I'm interested to do
after the past week I could figure out what topic for the survey, so now I am
going to clean my room. My mom is trying to do some Winter cleaning (Spring
cleaning but during the Winter season), plus would help bring some peace in the
house before the New Year.
My said I could rearrange my room because she has a gift for my room, so that
means upgrade my room for a mature look, organize everything from closet to room,
and clean out my room to be clean. So might help me distress and find a way to
set up my study/ time management. That’s what I’m about to do, hopefully I can get the answer from my professor
telling me that I finally got it or I’m still going to so feel even more dumber.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
My College Update, Fall Term 2014!
Well, what a year I have been just stressing out back and forth, and having melt downs as well. For the first time my stress got to me so bad, I had a minor rash, horrible margin, mood swing, and noticing some grey hair (I'm only 22 years old about to turn 23yrs old in Dec 23rd.)
*mentioning of prayer is based on the religious belief my family and friends are in(Catholic/Christians),and same-time I also believe things happen for a reason. I respect and understand other beliefs, you can replace the meaning to what you practice/belief*
This Fall I had a exciting view for myself to finish all my classes with a passing grade and improve myself on the way to be more mature about my lifestyle, now that I'm working part-time and a quick cash side work as a club promoter.
Well everything was going okay, notice that the DRC (Disability Resource Center) could not get a hold of a note taker for me, which means I am screwed. Meanwhile I was had to try to study with what I could take notes of which was only what I could comprehend. I have this one class that's is the first class I need for my Major Degree Program in Sociology, However, I took this class back in the Spring Term 2014 and failed it. Now well lets just say I am in that same struggle boat.
Same Professor and everything, I study the best I could and well grade wise wasn't so well, but better than what I did back in Spring. I know I had a few faults because I procrastinated but also I couldn't comprehend what do to for most of the homework with my disability, and not having help with tutoring and paper revises like I had when I was in the State/Community College. I even applied for a note taker, unfortunately the school don't hire note taker like they did at the community college, they just ask if anyone in the class I am in if anyone wants to volunteer, which no ones would unless the disability of person could not take their own notes. Now because I know I have no hope in passing this class, my other classes are getting affected too.
Its like just when I thought I had everything handled and settle, I somehow screwed up. My mom notice that I'm stressing out more and more has the time ticks down to almost finals. She worries that my health is getting affected from all the stress and trying what I can with my disability to pass just one class before other classes. She said she'll support me no matter what, thou she sacrifice to help finical with me, so I could finish college. I even have few friends and family as well as my mom to pray that something better would work out for me.
Well after so much stress and trying not to make the same mistake I done back in Stetson. After class today (November 24th, 2014), just before our Thanksgiving Break (which I still have class work to do, bummer), She asked how I was doing in class (the hardest that I have been stressing about,) I told her that I so done and stressed out about this I know my grade is a another fail. She was shock because not only this is her first semester as a transfer student but that the I had taken the class before and still no improvement. She said why stress on a major that your not achieving, I changed my major for next term after this class too, You should go check out the Career Center to help you. I went there last week because there is no way, I could use this major in something I know more about. I worked in the Hospitality business since I was 16 and I'm almost in my mid 30s because I worked to save up for college. I went in did this career interest test and talked about my skills and what I know as well what I would I like to learn more about to improve my passion/life. So they helped me change my major to _so and so__ since its similar to Hospitality Management but they don't have it as a major. Since you have very great social networking skills and you know more of what events going on in the city as well your working for a nightclub that had performs of famous musicians also you know most local musicians in the city and go to festivals/events. maybe they could help you find a career path towards that because again why Stress over something you stuck again when you can change for what you know and accomplish that faster and your grade/gpa would be exactly where you want. also you would want to study on it more because its want your interested not what you enjoy to read during your down time. Like I was into sociology major because of what I found interest during my down time but now I notice, I could major in what I'm already doing and still enjoy sociological article reading during my down time. Some people are great at their major because the already have the eye on what they want to be, rather like us it takes one stressed out class to make us realize oops.
Good Luck and let me know if they helped you out and what have you decided on.
After all the stressing, the crying, and sleepless nights I gone through; it suddenly hit me after what she said this might be the answer I have been needing. Right when we parted our ways, I went straight to the career center, set my appointment, and nervous as I was yet excited that this is the change I been needing. Hopefully this does solve my problem and could have my path to finish college with a degree and enjoy my life.
Beside other personal problems I am going through, I really praying and wanting this to be the sunlight to my horrible storm. If this works out for me and everything goes smoothly with the school, I decided to do some improvements to myself meaning I am going to be more mature about my lifestyle since I'll be 23yrs old in Dec 23rd. That means when Next Year hits and the new Spring term begins, I'm going to have to: manage my time better, know when to yes or no to things, if I have a question no matter how stupid I know I may sound ask or ask during office hours( I was planning on doing but the hours were during my work and/or class hours), have time for myself (like go for a walk, read a non-class reading book, visit friends, have lunch/brunch with my mom/friends, or even a night out non club related like n the weekends. Speaking of nightclub promoting, they are very supportive that I'm in college and I only do their Wednesday and Friday night, which is no biggie because I can leave after guest list ends and find out if I get pay or not then leave. Still I would tell them the heads up so I don't have to wait in the back room till they get done with a meeting with whoever.
I will soon what I do want to improve myself since I am getting older because I need to grow up but I can be myself just 23yrs old. So stay tune for that and other post I will be posting soon.
Have you ever gone through anything like I have gone though? let me know down below in the comments.
*mentioning of prayer is based on the religious belief my family and friends are in(Catholic/Christians),and same-time I also believe things happen for a reason. I respect and understand other beliefs, you can replace the meaning to what you practice/belief*
This Fall I had a exciting view for myself to finish all my classes with a passing grade and improve myself on the way to be more mature about my lifestyle, now that I'm working part-time and a quick cash side work as a club promoter.
Well everything was going okay, notice that the DRC (Disability Resource Center) could not get a hold of a note taker for me, which means I am screwed. Meanwhile I was had to try to study with what I could take notes of which was only what I could comprehend. I have this one class that's is the first class I need for my Major Degree Program in Sociology, However, I took this class back in the Spring Term 2014 and failed it. Now well lets just say I am in that same struggle boat.
Same Professor and everything, I study the best I could and well grade wise wasn't so well, but better than what I did back in Spring. I know I had a few faults because I procrastinated but also I couldn't comprehend what do to for most of the homework with my disability, and not having help with tutoring and paper revises like I had when I was in the State/Community College. I even applied for a note taker, unfortunately the school don't hire note taker like they did at the community college, they just ask if anyone in the class I am in if anyone wants to volunteer, which no ones would unless the disability of person could not take their own notes. Now because I know I have no hope in passing this class, my other classes are getting affected too.
Its like just when I thought I had everything handled and settle, I somehow screwed up. My mom notice that I'm stressing out more and more has the time ticks down to almost finals. She worries that my health is getting affected from all the stress and trying what I can with my disability to pass just one class before other classes. She said she'll support me no matter what, thou she sacrifice to help finical with me, so I could finish college. I even have few friends and family as well as my mom to pray that something better would work out for me.
Well after so much stress and trying not to make the same mistake I done back in Stetson. After class today (November 24th, 2014), just before our Thanksgiving Break (which I still have class work to do, bummer), She asked how I was doing in class (the hardest that I have been stressing about,) I told her that I so done and stressed out about this I know my grade is a another fail. She was shock because not only this is her first semester as a transfer student but that the I had taken the class before and still no improvement. She said why stress on a major that your not achieving, I changed my major for next term after this class too, You should go check out the Career Center to help you. I went there last week because there is no way, I could use this major in something I know more about. I worked in the Hospitality business since I was 16 and I'm almost in my mid 30s because I worked to save up for college. I went in did this career interest test and talked about my skills and what I know as well what I would I like to learn more about to improve my passion/life. So they helped me change my major to _so and so__ since its similar to Hospitality Management but they don't have it as a major. Since you have very great social networking skills and you know more of what events going on in the city as well your working for a nightclub that had performs of famous musicians also you know most local musicians in the city and go to festivals/events. maybe they could help you find a career path towards that because again why Stress over something you stuck again when you can change for what you know and accomplish that faster and your grade/gpa would be exactly where you want. also you would want to study on it more because its want your interested not what you enjoy to read during your down time. Like I was into sociology major because of what I found interest during my down time but now I notice, I could major in what I'm already doing and still enjoy sociological article reading during my down time. Some people are great at their major because the already have the eye on what they want to be, rather like us it takes one stressed out class to make us realize oops.
Good Luck and let me know if they helped you out and what have you decided on.
After all the stressing, the crying, and sleepless nights I gone through; it suddenly hit me after what she said this might be the answer I have been needing. Right when we parted our ways, I went straight to the career center, set my appointment, and nervous as I was yet excited that this is the change I been needing. Hopefully this does solve my problem and could have my path to finish college with a degree and enjoy my life.
Beside other personal problems I am going through, I really praying and wanting this to be the sunlight to my horrible storm. If this works out for me and everything goes smoothly with the school, I decided to do some improvements to myself meaning I am going to be more mature about my lifestyle since I'll be 23yrs old in Dec 23rd. That means when Next Year hits and the new Spring term begins, I'm going to have to: manage my time better, know when to yes or no to things, if I have a question no matter how stupid I know I may sound ask or ask during office hours( I was planning on doing but the hours were during my work and/or class hours), have time for myself (like go for a walk, read a non-class reading book, visit friends, have lunch/brunch with my mom/friends, or even a night out non club related like n the weekends. Speaking of nightclub promoting, they are very supportive that I'm in college and I only do their Wednesday and Friday night, which is no biggie because I can leave after guest list ends and find out if I get pay or not then leave. Still I would tell them the heads up so I don't have to wait in the back room till they get done with a meeting with whoever.
I will soon what I do want to improve myself since I am getting older because I need to grow up but I can be myself just 23yrs old. So stay tune for that and other post I will be posting soon.
Have you ever gone through anything like I have gone though? let me know down below in the comments.
life changing,
my life,
true fact,
Friday, September 19, 2014
The Rules of Fashion
*Sorry for the lack of posts*
Growing up my mother always loved to dress me up. I was like her baby doll plus even my fathwer wanted to be sure I was in style no matter how young I was. My mother has a passion for fashion, she might never had much of an oppitunite but No Matter where you are from the Rules exsited. She always had her own style of wear however my father was more the Man with Good Tatste, he like brands for example he's favotire brand of sunglasses are Ray Bans. My father would splurge on some stuff that he'll know will last long when taken care of.
As for me I love to have my own Style still would to go to my mother for the okay. Even thou I am older (22 years old soon to be 23 in Dec.) I should be more mature of my style, also shows what store you shop at. In that case I could still pull off well mature looks from Walmart (budget), however sometimes I still have shirts form when I was in Jr/High school.
Meanwhile, I'm just trying to be more focus in college and trying not to gain anymore weight than I already have. *not trying to me lose so much weight just to lose 20lbs of fat just so I can be healthy and lean.
I doing this for myself to be more comfortable in my clothes and no suffer have to not wear some outfits becasue it would be to tight or show my love handles. Unless you know where to shop for your size than perfect but for me some stores only have certin size (since I don't shop online). My style would be more whatever im in the mood/occation (not a very fashionable term here).
I either dress to what I feel in the mood for at the same time where/what I'll be doing that day/night. probably the most laziest for when I go to class is gym wear.
My mother is more Chic Bohimen and my Dad was more that Beachwear the kind of the guy who would smoke a cigar on the beachshore. (I also love to follow fashion blogs as well)
Anyways lets get back to point, even til this day with the struggle to wear a cute outfit (weight problem, budget, miminal clothing wear, etc..) These rules should be remember no matter your taste in style however you can still bend and/or break the rules (I know you are a Rebel). I would say these rules from Glamour Magazine (UK) has it down that even my mother agrees, The Rules of Fashion.
Tell me what are your Fashion Rules that you follow?
Do you agree or disgree with these rules?
Tell me whats is your fashion style and why do you think describes you?
Do you have a fashion blog and/or do you follow anyone who does?
whats your favorite Desginer
Growing up my mother always loved to dress me up. I was like her baby doll plus even my fathwer wanted to be sure I was in style no matter how young I was. My mother has a passion for fashion, she might never had much of an oppitunite but No Matter where you are from the Rules exsited. She always had her own style of wear however my father was more the Man with Good Tatste, he like brands for example he's favotire brand of sunglasses are Ray Bans. My father would splurge on some stuff that he'll know will last long when taken care of.
As for me I love to have my own Style still would to go to my mother for the okay. Even thou I am older (22 years old soon to be 23 in Dec.) I should be more mature of my style, also shows what store you shop at. In that case I could still pull off well mature looks from Walmart (budget), however sometimes I still have shirts form when I was in Jr/High school.
Meanwhile, I'm just trying to be more focus in college and trying not to gain anymore weight than I already have. *not trying to me lose so much weight just to lose 20lbs of fat just so I can be healthy and lean.
I doing this for myself to be more comfortable in my clothes and no suffer have to not wear some outfits becasue it would be to tight or show my love handles. Unless you know where to shop for your size than perfect but for me some stores only have certin size (since I don't shop online). My style would be more whatever im in the mood/occation (not a very fashionable term here).
I either dress to what I feel in the mood for at the same time where/what I'll be doing that day/night. probably the most laziest for when I go to class is gym wear.
My mother is more Chic Bohimen and my Dad was more that Beachwear the kind of the guy who would smoke a cigar on the beachshore. (I also love to follow fashion blogs as well)
Anyways lets get back to point, even til this day with the struggle to wear a cute outfit (weight problem, budget, miminal clothing wear, etc..) These rules should be remember no matter your taste in style however you can still bend and/or break the rules (I know you are a Rebel). I would say these rules from Glamour Magazine (UK) has it down that even my mother agrees, The Rules of Fashion.
Tell me what are your Fashion Rules that you follow?
Do you agree or disgree with these rules?
Tell me whats is your fashion style and why do you think describes you?
Do you have a fashion blog and/or do you follow anyone who does?
whats your favorite Desginer
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Don't Hesitate to Follow Me:)
Good Morning everyone,
I just want to say that if you really interested in following me, I do have a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Tumblr, Pinterest and a YouTube channel (haven't film anything in for a while). All the links are on the side bar menu, or you can check out my tweets and instagram below the menu.
Have a great day! :)
Monday, July 14, 2014
Its been awhile update
Hey everyone
I have been really busy to have time to sit down and blog or even to vlog on my YouTube Channel. Every time I tried I ended up wanting to just sleep. I know it might sound like an excuse, but if your a busy person you'll under stand. Beside working at my campus bookstore temporary and taking summer class, I also got involved in promoting for a local night club. I promote for them cause I go there often and since I have been going since August 2013, I got to know people to where its somewhat like a family. Since last summer everything has been changing mostly on friends, and now its still changing by avoiding negative people. Others are either in a relationship, married, having a baby, have kids, or just doing noting. Its interesting how other outside of my "circle" and/or not Facebook friends notice I either need more friends or new ones. I think they meant I need friends who are somewhat has equal as me. working, in college, around the same age group, and more social. Also not always in drama, that is a thing that annoys me. Its always about someone, besides bring up the person for examples of what went bad or good is different than having to get them to move on /cut them off your life. Last thing about drama are those who are so negative, ignorant, and very unmannered; I never been so annoyed or uncomfortable around anyone who is always so negative that just beyond what I could explain, and someone who always just have no manners again I could not explain. Another reason the "outsiders" meant is because I'm still single, its sometimes hard to hangout with friends in a relationship because your single and they have a different view of fun. especially when you never had any experience of the dating ever (like me). Oh, and so no focusing on guys right now, when time is right it would happen.
Beside people, I trying to focus more on my studies, lately Ive been to distracted from drama after drama. I might seem MIA (missing in action), to them and they might think I'm ignoring them but out of all of my friends, I'm in school. again not an excuse but its true. they only know me for a few months but anyone I've known for years even since childhood/toddler knows me so well. School comes before anyone, no matter how difficult it is for me especially with my disability/disorder, and how social I can be. I might like being in school due to some really bad experiences I have gone through that No One not even my friends or Family knows, well besides my mom. I just enjoy better when I learn on my own or if there is a teacher/professor who makes the learning very interesting almost has if just meant for you to understand rather than being negative or just plain boring.
Lately Ive been struggling, so know I trying on my own knowing how to focus more in my studies than what is going on around me, Yes I get that easily distracted but its not always self discipline that helps (that annoys me the most when someone says this to me when they don't understand not everyone could, some has to take medicine however I don't want to take a pill).
I feel like and was suggested by "outsiders" if I could have some friends that are also working, studies and social similar to me, I could be well balanced and not have so much drama besides just knowing when is everyone's free-time haha. Moreover, on the age as well, I am 22 years old till December 23rd, but again age doesn't matter unless your going bars or clubs (some are 18+ but the ones your actually dress for are 21+ only).
The Last thing out of All That, I am saving money so I could move out to the student housing because commuting everyday sometimes three times a day every week for an hour is a ridiculous when that where your money goes to the most and having to get food when your out and about because if I make lunch and put in my lunch box, well let me just say with this heat it either melted, soggy, or spoiled ( ewww). however, I am watching what I am eating and trying to get time to hit the gym, even if it for 15- 30 mins of cardio.
Basically, I am Focusing on Myself. By getting more focus on what is important to me than having to worry about others drama (they could handle themselves), Just know how to balance everything, and care on my health.
Are you going through the same thing let me know down below in the comments, Facebook your comments, or reply on the tweet. have any tips, advice or just want to share what your going through as well is fine by me.
I have been really busy to have time to sit down and blog or even to vlog on my YouTube Channel. Every time I tried I ended up wanting to just sleep. I know it might sound like an excuse, but if your a busy person you'll under stand. Beside working at my campus bookstore temporary and taking summer class, I also got involved in promoting for a local night club. I promote for them cause I go there often and since I have been going since August 2013, I got to know people to where its somewhat like a family. Since last summer everything has been changing mostly on friends, and now its still changing by avoiding negative people. Others are either in a relationship, married, having a baby, have kids, or just doing noting. Its interesting how other outside of my "circle" and/or not Facebook friends notice I either need more friends or new ones. I think they meant I need friends who are somewhat has equal as me. working, in college, around the same age group, and more social. Also not always in drama, that is a thing that annoys me. Its always about someone, besides bring up the person for examples of what went bad or good is different than having to get them to move on /cut them off your life. Last thing about drama are those who are so negative, ignorant, and very unmannered; I never been so annoyed or uncomfortable around anyone who is always so negative that just beyond what I could explain, and someone who always just have no manners again I could not explain. Another reason the "outsiders" meant is because I'm still single, its sometimes hard to hangout with friends in a relationship because your single and they have a different view of fun. especially when you never had any experience of the dating ever (like me). Oh, and so no focusing on guys right now, when time is right it would happen.
Beside people, I trying to focus more on my studies, lately Ive been to distracted from drama after drama. I might seem MIA (missing in action), to them and they might think I'm ignoring them but out of all of my friends, I'm in school. again not an excuse but its true. they only know me for a few months but anyone I've known for years even since childhood/toddler knows me so well. School comes before anyone, no matter how difficult it is for me especially with my disability/disorder, and how social I can be. I might like being in school due to some really bad experiences I have gone through that No One not even my friends or Family knows, well besides my mom. I just enjoy better when I learn on my own or if there is a teacher/professor who makes the learning very interesting almost has if just meant for you to understand rather than being negative or just plain boring.
Lately Ive been struggling, so know I trying on my own knowing how to focus more in my studies than what is going on around me, Yes I get that easily distracted but its not always self discipline that helps (that annoys me the most when someone says this to me when they don't understand not everyone could, some has to take medicine however I don't want to take a pill).
I feel like and was suggested by "outsiders" if I could have some friends that are also working, studies and social similar to me, I could be well balanced and not have so much drama besides just knowing when is everyone's free-time haha. Moreover, on the age as well, I am 22 years old till December 23rd, but again age doesn't matter unless your going bars or clubs (some are 18+ but the ones your actually dress for are 21+ only).
The Last thing out of All That, I am saving money so I could move out to the student housing because commuting everyday sometimes three times a day every week for an hour is a ridiculous when that where your money goes to the most and having to get food when your out and about because if I make lunch and put in my lunch box, well let me just say with this heat it either melted, soggy, or spoiled ( ewww). however, I am watching what I am eating and trying to get time to hit the gym, even if it for 15- 30 mins of cardio.
Basically, I am Focusing on Myself. By getting more focus on what is important to me than having to worry about others drama (they could handle themselves), Just know how to balance everything, and care on my health.
Are you going through the same thing let me know down below in the comments, Facebook your comments, or reply on the tweet. have any tips, advice or just want to share what your going through as well is fine by me.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Lack of Posts
Hey everyone I'm very sorry about not posting anything for my blog. I have been so busy at my new university. (finally decided to go to University of North Florida (UNF)). the same time I actually cracked the screen of my laptop with the force of my thumb (the almighty hulk thumb, lol) by the way my laptop is an hp not a mac. Since the first day of classes I have been using the library computer, which i don't mind but i love my freedom of my laptop plus I could use it in class. I just finding a place to fix my laptop in the meanwhile you should definitely follow my Instagram, Tumblr, twitter, Facebook page, and everything else which I have on the side bar.
I also wanted to do blog by video ( I am a talker which makes me a slow at typing(sometimes), lol) plus with me doing my blog talks you can hear and/or see my expressions, voice change for each person, the tone, my voice ;), etc.
for those like reading my blog and/or follow me please in the comments tell me what could I talk about, if you prefer reading > video, or video<reading or both.
I don't have my list and I still remember all the topics and stories I want to share.
so don't worry.
I also wanted to do blog by video ( I am a talker which makes me a slow at typing(sometimes), lol) plus with me doing my blog talks you can hear and/or see my expressions, voice change for each person, the tone, my voice ;), etc.
for those like reading my blog and/or follow me please in the comments tell me what could I talk about, if you prefer reading > video, or video<reading or both.
I don't have my list and I still remember all the topics and stories I want to share.
so don't worry.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
This Man Is Dating Someone Even Though He's Married. Sounds So Wrong...But I'm On His Side.
so I found this article linked when I was on Facebook. this from this link:
enjoy! :)
This Man Is Dating Someone Even Though He's Married. Sounds So Wrong...But I'm On His Side.
On Jarrid's blog post titled, 'I'm Dating Someone Even Thought I'm Married' he writes:
'I have a confession to make. I'm dating someone even though I'm married.
She's an incredible girl. She's beautiful, smart, cunning, strong, and has an immensely strong faith in God. I love to take her out to dinner, movies, local shows, and always tell her how beautiful she is. I can't remember the last time I was mad at her for longer than five minutes, and her smile always seems to brighten up my day no matter the circumstances.
Sometimes she will visit me at work unannounced, make me an incredible lunch, or even surprise me with something she personally baked. I can't believe how lucky I am to be dating someone even though I am married. I encourage you to try it and see what it can do for your life.
Oh! Did I mention the woman I am dating is my wife? What did you expect?
Just because you're married, doesn't mean your dating life should end.
I need to continue to date my wife even after I marry her. Pursuing my wife shouldn't stop just because we both said, 'I do.' Way too many times do I see relationships stop growing because people stop taking the initiative to pursue one another.
Dating is a time where you get to learn about someone in a special and unique way. Why would you want that to ever stop? It shouldn't. Those butterflies you got on the first date shouldn't stop just because the years have passed. Wake up each day and pursue your spouse as if you are still on your first few dates. You will see a drastic change for the better in your relationship.
When it comes to any relationship, communication and the action of constant pursuit is key. Nobody wants to be with someone who doesn't want to pursue them whole-heartedly.
I encourage you to date your spouse, pursue them whole-heartedly, and understand that dating shouldn't end just because you said, 'I do.'
Jarrid Wilson'
If you found Jarrid's words inspirational, please share this article with your friends.
'I have a confession to make. I'm dating someone even though I'm married.
She's an incredible girl. She's beautiful, smart, cunning, strong, and has an immensely strong faith in God. I love to take her out to dinner, movies, local shows, and always tell her how beautiful she is. I can't remember the last time I was mad at her for longer than five minutes, and her smile always seems to brighten up my day no matter the circumstances.
Sometimes she will visit me at work unannounced, make me an incredible lunch, or even surprise me with something she personally baked. I can't believe how lucky I am to be dating someone even though I am married. I encourage you to try it and see what it can do for your life.
Oh! Did I mention the woman I am dating is my wife? What did you expect?
Just because you're married, doesn't mean your dating life should end.
I need to continue to date my wife even after I marry her. Pursuing my wife shouldn't stop just because we both said, 'I do.' Way too many times do I see relationships stop growing because people stop taking the initiative to pursue one another.
Dating is a time where you get to learn about someone in a special and unique way. Why would you want that to ever stop? It shouldn't. Those butterflies you got on the first date shouldn't stop just because the years have passed. Wake up each day and pursue your spouse as if you are still on your first few dates. You will see a drastic change for the better in your relationship.
When it comes to any relationship, communication and the action of constant pursuit is key. Nobody wants to be with someone who doesn't want to pursue them whole-heartedly.
I encourage you to date your spouse, pursue them whole-heartedly, and understand that dating shouldn't end just because you said, 'I do.'
Jarrid Wilson'
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