Sunday, January 17, 2016

It a New Year and a New Me! 2016

Hey y’all I’m back

I know it been a while since I posted but here’s what’s up with my life even now that it’s the new year (btw Happy Belated Year of 2016!!!!!). So since I started my new semester at UNF as an Art student in the Fine Art major, I finished with two C’s (not bad passing wise, but I wished I could’ve of gotten B’s),  working crazy hours at my retail job as a Sales Lead Manager (I never hated the Holidays more working for it). If I had little less crazy from work and got more flexible with my classes I would have been okay, at least I passed and the school okayed me to stay in the program (even though I was supposed to get B’s to raise my GPA), and I am now taking Art History 2 online and Drawing 2.  I really got to focus on raising my GPA because it’s now a 1.09 (yay!):

So I started UNF from FSCJ with a 2.8 GPA, after Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters of having hard time with classes (failed most but passed a couple with C’s) when I was in Sociology major minoring in Urban studies which ended later so I had to take History as my new minor. My GPA dropped to a .94; which I thought it was insane ended up suspended for the spring semester, however due to my disability, many paper works, meetings with advisors, and the biggest help of from my favorite Career counselor, the school allow me back to a new major that accepted me. Normally the Deans of each Academic department wouldn’t allow those who are that deep in the struggles of GPA, but I had a feeling the dean saw something within me, they even don’t allow suspended student especially since the Art and Music are the Strictest in our school (to me though I don’t blame them).

I’m really making such I getting B’s (obviously I want A’s), as long I keep up with my project/homework and doing to the work. My job is a bit time consuming but if dint have especially with the pay I’m getting I wouldn’t be able to afford my classes/supplies or even commute to class. Now I’m in art I trying to discover my career path, my retail job is like an open door for: Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Management, Interior Designing, and Stylist. I was trying to have more of a fun yet get to be openly creative to what where I would get to work at. I’ve been looking towards working in the fashion field, I know right, not to many people know me but I use to collect all of Seventeen magazine and even look at others for the Fashion trends, styling tips, even got some advice from my mother since she a fashionista herself (she might know all about the fashion world but dressing up is no joke to my mom. Her closet of her fabulous clothes from her when she was in her 20’s til 2008 (she had her brain tumor and gain some weight from the recovery, she survived it)). I always had such interest in fashion, I might not like some of the girls I know who gets all dressed up and wears make up from known brands, and I’m a bit in my own style trend. I never know my exact “stereotype” of my fashion trend, I like to just make whatever I own work out and be very comfortable for the mood. I could write another blog on this. LOL

Back to the point, I couldn’t believe that how much I really enjoy art. I get so into it that I know I can’t cheat around or bullshit on my art piece because everyone could see it. I even get excited to try other art practices such as ceramic, sculpting, printmaking, even want to try to get photography in my elective. Like in my other many majors I’ve been in I would either get bored or find no point in the purpose for it to be taught. In art I notice that everyone in my class has to draw the same casting but they all have different technique of their own, unlike in my other majors someone paper could be exactly like my just worded differently or had better writing. I know it only the first 2weeks of the semester but I really can’t wait to see my drawing turns out in the end as well my interest in Art history. Speaking of art history, my first professor from Art history 1, she told us how she had a student who was a business major and need credits for his international business course, so after taking her for Art history 1 and 2, and later graduated. He ended landing a job because the Company owner/ceo or manger (he’s boss), has an interest in art that he collects them and even travel world to visit sites. He had a little conversation about their favorite period of art that he ended getting hired and would get invited to art events. Talk about amazing. I even have a Doctor ( in the military hospital, my doctors got deployed, some of them do get deployed or they are lucky to settle) who as such interest in art his wife is an artist and has a mini art gallery in his office (he wants one of my art to be in his galley when I come back for an appointment). Being in art, I notice that I see everything even more interesting in the values it holds, I usually like to stare at things and say things, but in art it’s like I learn to know “why I like it” not just “I like it” it like I have to go deeper. It really amazing it like they say “a picture has a 1000 words.”