For those who is going to be in school next fall, taking summer class, or wants ideas for studying. I'm going to blog about ways that i study. Before i talk about how to study i want to say that I have a learning disorder and im also dyslexic. besides having ADD ( i think everyone that are very outgoing have ADD) i want to share the ways i found easy for me to study that toke me forever to understand how to study. i realize i had get study skills, but i never notice because i was always doing activites, and sports. when i was little around since K- 4th grade my would take me to McDonalds to study and do homework. you might think thats bad idea, but my did it for me to prize me for example, i would do all my homework, and study for 20mins then my mom would check my work and quiz me and if my homework is correct and i pass the quiz she would let me play in the playground, take me to chunk e cheese, play at the park, play at Discovery Zone, or go roller skating. Moreover, sometimes places like krispy kremes, pizza hut, etc.(just ask local place you like) would reward you if you have grades B average and above. ( usally for grade in K to 3rd sometime 4th.) For those who are 5th - 6th i studied at home or again places like McDonald, however, instead of playing in the playground if i got my homework done and answered my mom POP quiz correct then i was alowwed to hangout with friends.
Now you might be wondering what happens if i dont do my homework, or get it done, got a bad grade on my test or got a bad grade in my report card.
not doing/finish the homework- Not allowed to go to my practice or to my dance lesson or both.
got a bad grade on my quiz- Not allowed to got to my practice or lesson or both and no hanging out with friends.
got a bad grade on my test- all the above including no cell phone, no tv, no computer, and have to do extra chores and study longer then usally.
got a BAD grade in my report card- ALL the above and pretty much like being grounded for a long time till i get my grade up.
My mom wanted me to stay above C adverage.
i had been since the 1st grade and then Jr high came along i only had 1D+ and almost got an F+ but that was the first have of the school. In High i was having difficult time and pass with a C adverage.
then in College i went to a private University and well i was okay i never hungout much cause im trying to do my work and study but it got harder and harder and i only work 2hour twice a week. my mom thought i was out alot but i told her i wasnt i even asked my roommate to tell my mom i barelly hangout.i only went to three parties( the welcome back/ welcome party at the Big Frat house (the Signu), the Muisc party/Birthday Party, and two different Halloween party at the same night(music/frat).
what happen is i was to busy tryng to do my work. by the 2nd semister i got my major swith from general studies to theater arts, class were easy i just had to type 3 essays about 4 - 8 paragraph every other week. then only on the weekends i finally disided to got out clubing twice a month, then every time before we go out we pregame aka preparty at the Frat house. since my roommate boyfriend is the bartender. and the guys are so sweet. even for bike week in daytona beach we all went together like if it was a field trip.
Anyways here are my Study Tips:
1. Study at a place you feel comfortable: library, panera bread, starbucks, fastfood, in your room, etc..
( try some places and to cut off the nose wear you headphones/earplugs and play music)( Also with WIFI)
- my favorite place is Panera Bread and if i get to my class early i would be sitting in the hall or if there is a study lab next my class i would go there to review or study.
2. if your using a laptop use postnotes to help keep you in track. i even see people take notes on their laptop but also use you paper notebook. (
have a Flash Drive to save your work, your be thankful) some professor or teacehers dont allow laptop in class so ask before class starts)
3. Buy A notebook to keep all your notes and work together.(
dont forget to date and title and put you name on the page/paper) also( makesure you able to rip the paper out to hand in) Dont use the same notebook for all your classes. i use a 1subject or 3 subject notebook depends on the class for example my 1 subject notebook is for my math class cause our work is online so i use the notebook to take notes and do check my math since we cant use caculaters.
4. Buy a Blinder/ Folders to keep you notes that you done on you notebook so you can collect you work. and use the 5 dividers to sperate them like:
- Annousments
- Notes
- Homework
- Quiz
- Test
- Study tips
- Math
- Enlgish
- ETC.....
you can have a blinder for one class and use the dividers your way or the teacher way. if you want to use the blinder for ALL your classes first ask your teacher if they thats okay cause some wants you to have them turned in so you dont want science and english get turned in to your math teacher along with the math work.
- Folders ask your teachers cause i never used a folder except for math senior math class to keep our class notes in track so we could use for our test and for my econmic paper. otherwise i use my blider.
5. Pen and Pencils and erasers have EXTERAS
6. Highlighters to forcus on and i have four: yellow - Import things or Must know. Green - a word i dont understand or sentence/ peom/ problem i dont understand or need more help. Pink/Orange either one i use to highlight the Must to know like the yellow but the details. and Blue - for mistakes on the paper or problem. you dont want to highlight everything like this
nwdfpndwnvdwv cw kwl vnwkv kwbkwnvkdn vckpw dckwdcwbcbweck bdscb sdmcslkcbapcb akcnaknc j coi edpjemd wdmed wpdmwpie powejdmew di .
b cobcoj ojeq pjfmejiwejdpwehf0ie wjpehjwhfhoihdnf jnfe fwhdf0 wheg ihfhnekfeofhcih newjfh0ief enfeoihwefibwefojbfi wfihnwefjnoi eifje ipewf ewojfmoiejf'weG WE'IJF
Nnpisdv mvwkfnowekngpnvvklwnfpivnspknglkw,f oewfmefo ef wemfmweof efmef woef wefwef efokwefjf fm foekg wegf wemoe woemf weg g wemfweofmw0-g.
Now you dont have to use my way make one for you and use different colors.
7. Color pens i have seen people use color pens to take notes or has highlighters.
like one half of the notes are pink and the second half is blue.
my friend does this and i asked her why and she said it helps her not to get bored while take and reading notes but its not like a highlighter cause you can go crazy with color pens but not with highighters.
8. try not to get on facebook for me there is no point to get on facebook if there is no one to chat with so really its more like you creeping on their page.
9. Put your cellphone on silent or vibrate(that vibrates without people feeling or hearing it.) so you can forcus on your work. trust me your get done faster.
10. Review you notes before class and after to have it fresh in you mind. Also review notes that you just took.
11. When your doing your work take about 4 - 6hrs to do your work. if you have a class with your friend or your friends have the same class intead of hangout why not hangout by having a studygroup. i remember this gril in my hall had a study party for her music class it was fun first the had there study time then then made up games that is based on what they studying. she even invited us to join fo rthe party to see how much we know and teach about what they study. oone time the had a vocab words and they tried to make a rap song about it.
12. Study for about 4hrs everyday before your test or quiz plus you never know when your teacher gives you a pop quiz.
practice you math and give your self a pop quiz or have a friend or you silbing to help you/ test you.
13. Eat good so that you have great mind set, healthy body and energized
14. Sleep my bed time for me since im in college is 12am if i want to study more or finsih up i try not to pass no later than 1:30am.
-highschool ill say 10pm
jrhigh- 9pm
4-6th - 7 or 8pm
K -3rd 6 or 7:30pm
15. exercise or have a sport or activite you like to help get in shape and get your mind active.
doing activites helps both sides of your brain so you have DOUBLE the brain power.
16.chewing gum, peppermint candy, candycane, blueberry, cinnonmin, there are more you can look up online, but theses type of things are good to help your brain like cinnonmin help memory, blueberry helps focus.
17. tutor are there to help its okay to be shy but hey im 19 about to be 20 and i still go to a tutor to help understand what im studying.
Hopefully these TIPS help you as it help me. i tried to combine want i used/do with things i had reasearch. if you want to know more go online or ask your friends, parent, silbing, or teachers what are best way to study and they might help you how to study. Before you know it you grades are Blast off to A+. =) here is my goal that what to share if it could help you.
my goal is to stay above C+adverage each semsiter but i really want to get As and Bs, but if i straight As on my reportcard then i want to have a week of Vacation with the money i saved up, or go shopping, or have a home spa. and by the end of the year if i get on the deans list the again ill have a mini Vacation.
If i get straight As and Bs for all my two years to get me AA dergree then i have a Vacation roadtrip but if i Get on the DEANS list by having straight As then with the money i saved up i want to travel the world.
if your in highschool try to get a goal to keep a high GPA if so join the Beta club, or if you and your teacher think your ready for honor class take it. and dont forget sports or activites them more on you application to college the better chance yourll get in.
same for if you in K-8th .
Dont say you cant do it always say YOU CAN DO IT. look at me 19 about to be 20 i have a learnig disoder and im on my second year on college. best of all talk to you teacher and ask them for help. my highschool teachers and my college proffesor from my other school all still care about and we still keep in touch and if im struggling i know i can always ask them for help. my mom who is 50 she still contacts her proffesors when she came to college here in the states, even though she already has 4 different bachlor degrees and 2 matsers. but beacuse here in America you have to Start from the bottom if you dont speak the language or if you wasnt in a international Univeristy(you have to know english).
if this works out for you leave comments below or share other ways to study.
Peace, Love, Bonita =)
ps have an inspiration like a board of your inpsiration, listen to inpiration music, or have a talk to someone you know that went thou hard to get want they want and ask them how and what inpsire them.