Halloween is not to far away. Oct. 31st. What I am saying is do you have a costume? Halloween is the best time of the year to dress up from crazy to tacky, or even classy. For those who don't know what Halloween is; It's a holiday that most of us celebrate by trick or treating, and etc... I have a link below so you could understand the holiday of Halloween.
The Wikipedia about Halloween
Besides watching scary horror movies.
Don't have any ideas of what costume to wear well here are some ideas I thought and that I also grabbed from the web. You could a DIY costume, go to a theft store, use whatever you have around the house if you don't want to spend alot of money, or you could be in a hurry on a last minute idea. Just use your creative imaginations.
For girls, we can go from cute to sexy. when your dressing cute and classy its being a little doll ages from baby to whenever, but for sexy (that is your more daring) which most operate age would be from 17 and up (like in if your in college) is when the the costume idea with more skin showing like as if you were wearing lingerie/club wear (its best if you have a well shape body, just saying other wise you'll be miserable all night) in other words.
- Disney Princess
- Disney Character
- Queen
- Historical figure
- Animal
- Decade
- Cave girl
- Jungle girl
- Disco
- Hippie
- etc...
- Celebrity
- Witch
- Movie character
- TV character
- Vampire
- Cheerleader/sport player
- Baby doll
- Doll
- Cowgirl
- Pop star
- Clown
- pokemon
- Superhero/sidekick/villain
- Playboy bunny
- Mermaid
- Fairy
- Goddess
- etc...
For boys, you can do almost the same as girls, but without the cute, and sexy lingerie. lol. For cute which mostly when you little kid, but when you around ages 9 to 15 you would most likely what to dress scary to scare the girls. from 16 and up you dress more shirtless then ever ( you got to have the body for it, just saying)
- Disney Prince
- Disney character
- Animal
- Decades
- Celebrity
- King
- Historical figure
- Cowboy
- Firefighter
- Police officer
- Superhero/sidekick/villain
- Hugh Hefner
- Vampire
- Movie Character
- Pop star
- TV Character
- Jock/sportplayer
- Pokemon
- Monster
- Ghost
- Werewolf
- Clown
- G.I Joe or any other Military branch
- etc...
However, you can always do costumes with a twin, siblings, friends partner/s or with family:
With a Partner/s
- Movie Characters
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Superheros/sidekicks/villains
- the Addams Family
- the Munster Family
- Historical figure
- royal family
- Salt and Pepper
- Peanut butter and Jam/Jelly
- Switched Gender
- Taco Bell Sauces pack
- Wolf pack
- Pokemons/gang
- TV Characters
- Jocks/sports team
- Group band
- Monster pack
- Sherk theme
- Disney Characters
- Care Bears
- Click here for more Group Ideas
- etc...
Remember you don't have to spend a lot of money on a costume, you can use whatever you have or spend less by going to a thrift shop. The more creativity and imagination put in to it your costume would be like a star in the night sky.
Remember, always go with a partner/s like a friend/s, family/siblings, etc... , and don't for get your flashlight, phone ( if you have one, if not make sure the partner your going with has one), and you Candy Bag. I used a pillowcase.(best idea ever)
Safety tips
Halloween can be fun, but it can also be scary and people do thing on the Halloween night.
Be safe, stay in your route/path don't go wondering off else that you not supposed to. Oh make sure you and/or your parent/s check the candy cause some people would give you old candy from two years ago or longer, they could also put drugs, mental, needles in your candy.
For those who are going to a party instead of trick or treating, I suggest you have your wallet, cellphone, a flashlight, the address to the party (get there kinda early just to be safe), keys, and emergency kit for you and/or your costume.
Its best to get to the party early that way you don't get in a wreck or get super lost in the dark, a flashlight so you can use in case something happens in the road or at the party like a blackout. the emergency kit is having a little bag with safety pins, bobbie pins, clips, hair tie, sewing kit, tiny scissor, tampons/pads, your medicine and/or headache relief, oh and for those sexual active people don't forget condoms and/or birth control pills.
Don't forget to have people contact number that you know would be at the party. AND a Number if you get lost or you want to leave early( that if you carpool) or to drunk to drive back Have a number that you can call them anytime for help.
About drinking be careful what people could put in your drink. I rather be sober or bring your own(if your 21 and up) drink with a cap. same time I rather be sober at a party I know I am safe, However, the down side is if your sober you know everything that happen at the party, your ended up taking care of people your friends with, or if something bad happen at the party and the cops came you end up telling the story of what happen. not saying its best to be not sober, but it does have its pros and cons.
Another thing is to be careful about is people do practice things on the Night of Halloween, like witchcraft and such... be alert about your friends if they have interest in it cause its bad news. If you don't feel comfortable say that you don't want to be involved and that you want to go home(you might sound like a party pooper, but you rather safe your life), if they start giving you hard time call your parents or someone you know that could pick you up, or if its get real serious call 911(they might think your playing around, so ask an officer you know and ask them "what if my friends or people I'm with decided to do something really uncomfortable beside drugs like witchcraft on Halloween night, do I call 911? like if gets to serious?" don't be afraid to ask).
#1 tip that tops the list NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER mess or use the Ouija Board. just for your safety.
and don't mess with witchcraft/voodoo.
even if your playing Harry Potter just don't take it to serious.
That is all I would like to say about Halloween, hope yall like my ideas and safety tips.
If have any other safety tips, let me know down below. Don't forget to fallow me on my new Fellow me tab under my profile picture.
So what is your Halloween costume? Do you have a Fun Halloween activity you do? if yes, share, if not scary movies and trick or treating are the two. Comment below or share the comment on my facebook like page. :)
Have a safe

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