Monday, July 23, 2012

Today of all today.

Now I'm alittle PO cause my room is in such a huge mess and now we have a guy to check out the house for some fixing.  HML, plus my broken bed is even more broken. now this guy is  going to think I'm guy rooming in a pink room. FML. I miss my small clean, smells nice, neat, and organize dorm. :( unlike my room now its total opposite cause I had no time to setup cause I started school after I left my old college.

So I left in April and started in June, I know I had all of time i could use, but when you have a mom like my its everyday from morning till closing to make sure my school papers are perfect and I wouldn't have to worry during my classes. since June till this day till spring I would be in school from Mon- Thrus and have strict study hours, only one week break execpt for winter break. Lame, I kinda miss my University alot, however I could take the overwhelming of the drama, and founding out lastminute I had some learing disorder(which doesn't bother me now), I was just want to escape from everything didn't want to anything but cry. ( true I cried for like two weeks straight at night when my roommate is sleepping or when she was out staying with her BF. I could of done better if I stayed focus I was doing ok inschool but with people ehh. I pretty senitve person, and I hold on to feelings. sometimes I wanted to be the Biggest B!t^%h. like the girl in awkard., Sandies, but i won't be anything. I am a nice, layback person, also pretty funny person, and shy/bashful*gasp* i know right?.

what was the point of this?..... oh yea my room.

anyways, my room I never like my room to be a mess, but I haven't time to do anything(in my world) or in my mom case,
Mom: don't use school as an excuse to no have time for cooking, and cleaning your room.
Me: You don't understand I have a problem of not keep my life in track cause I'm to focus on school. I rather be ugly, smelly, and poor with a degree. than being Pretty, clean, and stupid by dropping out of school.
Mom: so dramatic.
Me: well its my vision of common sense.

I have no clue what to do with everything, I think its turing into a hoarder in my room. plus my "cool" bed is broken. Life lesson: always but adult size bed for tall kids or they'll break they'll kids bed.

Now beside thinking about my classes i have to think about when and how I am gonna clean my "Boy" room.

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