Sunday, May 3, 2015

Oh the Decision Making: This Major or That Major

So as I mentioned in my pervious post (My Very Long Spring Break, if you haven't read it yet) anyways, I have some huge decision making (again) on what Bachelor would be: Fine Arts in Painting, Drawing, and Print Making degree or Supervision and Management degree.
I had asked my friends what they think and its both half and half vote, so I decided which really would be best for me as in what would say "I used what would be the most comfortable, excited to learn more of, and no matter what I learned to use critical thinking that would help me improve and use as I get older."
After I had the talk with my favorite Career Counselor when I was told Art would be best for me, I would stress less on papers and could use that stress to express in my art work. Unlike my management class I would learn nothing but business laws and how to mange. Now I did ask a few very few close people who's opinions matter the most beside family; it's mostly because either I grew up with them and/or we've been friends for short/long period of time, but still knew me very very well. Since Dance major was not an option (I wish ha ha), Art was chosen over Management because I'm more creative than serious (ha ha "Why so Serious?")
Now another decision is on: How would it take me to finish either degree?, How much would it cost for classes with/without finical aid?.
Depending on how many classes I take per semester, for Management: 1 1/2 to 2years; Art: 3yrs to more.  As for Art, I would have to take at least 2 classes per semester till my GPA goes up, till the Chairman's of Art department see that I am ready for the regular 4 classes a semester, and/or that my new upcoming job (for right now its my second job until my Training is over, oh yea I forgot to mention, I was asked and so I applied for Assistant Manger for Aeropostale at the local mall near my house. They have me in training as Merchandise Flow and better pay till I got the understanding of the Store, I learned a lot from my current job at the UNF Bookstore doing almost every positions in there and can't wait to move and learn more yet have a position a normal 23 year old would have), in which I would have to take a while because I will soon be having 30+ hours of work and the class for art are around 2-4hrs long, unlike management would mostly be online or hybrid (in-class lecture/presentation and mostly the class work/discussion online.  Also I could take my perquisites classes for Art at the local State/Community college than later transfer the credits back to UNF, or just take all my management class at the local State/Community college. its also a lot more closer (in a way) from my house and new work than UNF commute.
Now with the Career choice, I have no idea what I would really want to be, plus the whole you have to go for a job based on your major is myth, I found most people taken many Major of different kind from their college days than later went to take their MBA (Master degree) in what would be mostly best comfort or required for a job position/even just because they want to go for something else they want to go for.
I figure since the Highest I would go for in college is Master, even my mom is okay with that, she understand my frustrations in school in general is high and support my decision as long I get my bachelor.
At this point you might be wonder, "What major did you decided on?

I have decided on .........

Comment down below if you had to go through the same decision making, if so, on what major?
What major do think I should choose? or What do you think I will go for?
What was your college experience like especially during the decision making? how did you decided?and What's your major/What major are you going for?
I would really like to know your experience.
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