Hey everyone I'm very sorry about not posting anything for my blog. I have been so busy at my new university. (finally decided to go to University of North Florida (UNF)). the same time I actually cracked the screen of my laptop with the force of my thumb (the almighty hulk thumb, lol) by the way my laptop is an hp not a mac. Since the first day of classes I have been using the library computer, which i don't mind but i love my freedom of my laptop plus I could use it in class. I just finding a place to fix my laptop in the meanwhile you should definitely follow my Instagram, Tumblr, twitter, Facebook page, and everything else which I have on the side bar.
I also wanted to do blog by video ( I am a talker which makes me a slow at typing(sometimes), lol) plus with me doing my blog talks you can hear and/or see my expressions, voice change for each person, the tone, my voice ;), etc.
for those like reading my blog and/or follow me please in the comments tell me what could I talk about, if you prefer reading > video, or video<reading or both.
I don't have my list and I still remember all the topics and stories I want to share.
so don't worry.