*Sorry for the lack of posts*
Growing up my mother always loved to dress me up. I was like her baby doll plus even my fathwer wanted to be sure I was in style no matter how young I was. My mother has a passion for fashion, she might never had much of an oppitunite but No Matter where you are from the Rules exsited. She always had her own style of wear however my father was more the Man with Good Tatste, he like brands for example he's favotire brand of sunglasses are Ray Bans. My father would splurge on some stuff that he'll know will last long when taken care of.
As for me I love to have my own Style still would to go to my mother for the okay. Even thou I am older (22 years old soon to be 23 in Dec.) I should be more mature of my style, also shows what store you shop at. In that case I could still pull off well mature looks from Walmart (budget), however sometimes I still have shirts form when I was in Jr/High school.
Meanwhile, I'm just trying to be more focus in college and trying not to gain anymore weight than I already have. *not trying to me lose so much weight just to lose 20lbs of fat just so I can be healthy and lean.
I doing this for myself to be more comfortable in my clothes and no suffer have to not wear some outfits becasue it would be to tight or show my love handles. Unless you know where to shop for your size than perfect but for me some stores only have certin size (since I don't shop online). My style would be more whatever im in the mood/occation (not a very fashionable term here).
I either dress to what I feel in the mood for at the same time where/what I'll be doing that day/night. probably the most laziest for when I go to class is gym wear.
My mother is more Chic Bohimen and my Dad was more that Beachwear the kind of the guy who would smoke a cigar on the beachshore. (I also love to follow fashion blogs as well)
Anyways lets get back to point, even til this day with the struggle to wear a cute outfit (weight problem, budget, miminal clothing wear, etc..) These rules should be remember no matter your taste in style however you can still bend and/or break the rules (I know you are a Rebel). I would say these rules from Glamour Magazine (UK) has it down that even my mother agrees, The Rules of Fashion.
Tell me what are your Fashion Rules that you follow?
Do you agree or disgree with these rules?
Tell me whats is your fashion style and why do you think describes you?
Do you have a fashion blog and/or do you follow anyone who does?
whats your favorite Desginer